‘No climate justice on occupied land’ — Palestine and the Climate Justice movement

Duncan Crowley
2 min readNov 23, 2023
Greta Thunberg: No climate justice without international solidarity

Sunday before last 70,000 people took part in the biggest climate protest ever in the Netherlands. After the march, Greta Thunberg spoke to the crowd wearing the Palestinian black and white scarf and invited a Palestinian and an Afghan woman onto the stage, saying:

“As a climate justice movement, we have to listen to the voices of those who are being oppressed and those who are fighting for freedom and for justice. Otherwise, there can be no climate justice without international solidarity,”

She was briefly interrupted by a man who approached her on stage. Thunberg wrestled the mic back off the man, told him to “calm down”, then joined the crowd in chanting: “No climate justice on occupied land”.

Two days later, the German chapter of Greta Thunberg’s Fridays for Future movement distanced itself from the climate activist for her support for Palestine. #BeyondGrowth speaker Prof. Farhana Sultana later said about FFF Germany’s move: “This is utter nonsense and goes against everything actual climate justice stands for, which is about equity & justice and against colonialism & imperialism”.

Meanwhile Eoghan Daltun reminds us that “Ancient olive trees being bulldozed en masse by Israeli colonists on the West Bank to facilitate ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. If the people protest, they risk being shot dead by armed settlers or the army. Over 100 have been killed there in the last 2 weeks alone”

More Information: German branch of ‘Fridays for Future’ distances itself from Greta Thunberg over Israel remarks (Independent UK)



Duncan Crowley

Irish architect exploring community-led ecocities (Dublin, Barcelona, Curitiba, Lisbon). Eco activist & PhD student working with UrbanA, ECOLISE & Degrowth 🌎🐝